Plant Detail

Cotoneaster dammeri (Bearberry Cotoneastea)

Bearberry Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster humifusa, Cotoneaster humifusus

Cotoneaster dammeri (Bearberry Cotoneaster) is a vigorous, dense, evergreen shrub with trailing stems studded with small, leathery, glossy, rounded, dark green leaves. The foliage turns reddish-bronze or purplish in winter before becoming green again in spring. Small, 5-petaled, white flowers adorned with purple anthers are produced in late spring to early summer. They are followed by brilliant berries, which ripen to bright red in the fall and persist through.

  • Full sun to partial shade lover.
  • It is easily grown in dry to medium moisturewell-drained soils.
  • Excellent ground cover, perfect for banks and slopes (erosion control), as edging in front of beds or borders, rock gardens or cascading over walls.
  • Native to China.
  • Fruit may cause mild stomach upset if ingested

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Hardiness 5,6,7,8
Heat Zones 7,8
Climate Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B
Plant Type Shrubs
Plant Family Cotoneaster
Exposure Full Sun
Season of Interest Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Height 1' - 2', 2' - 3', 3' - 4', 4' - 5', 5' - 6', 6' - 7', 7' - 8', 8' - 9', 9' - 10'
Spread 4' - 5'
Water Needs Low
Maintenance Low
Soil Type Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand, Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Characteristics Drought Tolerant
Garden Styles Gravel and Rock Garden, Informal and Cottage
Planting Place Banks and Slopes, Edging, Ground Covers